Bengali speaking Receptionist / Administrator with SIMS in London - Reed

Job Overview

London, England
Job Type
Full Time
Date Posted
3 years ago

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Job Description

School based in East London are recruiting for an experienced administrator who will be acting as the 1st point of contact for all matters relating to attendance and punctuality as well as pupil records

This assignment is a Long term cover and will be starting in January 2021.

Duties will include:

To be the lead contact on SIMS for all pupil records, as follows:-

  • Maintaining pupil records. This will include filing and updating manually held systems and the input of data to computer based systems within the provision of the Data Protection Act.
  • Producing regular, updated class lists, etc.
  • Maintaining waiting lists to ensure that pupil places are filled promptly. This will involve liaising with LCOs and pupil services.
  • Ensure that all secondary transfer information is input onto the computer and all necessary arrangements are made for servicing interviews and transferring records etc.

Ensure manual register lists are re-produced on a regular basis to take account of new pupils/changes to tutor groups (KS3-KS5).

o be the lead contact on attendance and punctuality issues, as follows:-

  • Ensure all morning/afternoon/lesson registers are on SIMS. This may require manual inputting of the registers.
  • On a daily basis, make phone calls home to ascertain why a pupil is absent from school.
  • On a daily basis, produce lists of those pupils who are late to school for LCOs action.
  • On a weekly basis, produce a list of those pupils who have been late to school the previous week and produce letters regarding late detentions.
  • On a weekly basis, produce letters home to parents to ascertain why their child was absent on a particular day.
  • On a weekly basis - produce a summary list of whole school attendance/punctuality for students.
  • To liaise with LCOs/AWA regarding concerns for particular pupils absence(s)/punctuality.
  • To record absences and monitoring of attendance in line with legislation and regulations.

Provide necessary information to the Home School Liaison Officer and/or Safeguarding Officer if appropriate.

This is not an exhaustive list of duties and requirements. This position requires a candidate with the attributes above, gained within a school ideally (or a College). SIMSis a must and a 2nd language would be helpful, Ideally Bengali.

An Enhanced, clear DBS will be required, subscribed to the update service. If not, A REED DBS can be applied for at a cost of £40.00 but this is NOT guaranteed to arrive before the job starts.


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