This school is based in East London. It has great links to public transport and is offered on a term time only basis. Working hours are 36 hours per week
Overall Purpose of Job:
To provide administrative and clerical support to the Headteacher, enabling the efficient running of the school, and assisting the Headteacher in managing effectively the varied demands on his/her time.
To support and ensure that the confidentiality of the Headteacher’s work is uncompromised, showing discretion and sensitivity in all tasks, calls, correspondence and personal contacts.
To ensure that all communication from the Headteacher’s office is presented in a professional manner, and avoiding errors which would reflect poorly on the school.
To supervise the main office staff, the reprographics assistant, and the student welfare officer. To oversee, monitor and supervise their work and be responsible for their performance management & appraisal.
To be in charge of the running of the main office, ensuring a good administration service is provided to students, staff and visitors during the school day.
To be in charge of the administration of the admissions process within the school.
This position is being offered initially as a temporary assignment, with a view to it becoming permanent for the right applicant.
A DBs will be completed on the successful applicant unless a DBS is held and registered to the update service